
Meet Dan & Liana

A video message from Dan & Liana

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A Letter from Dan & Liana

We are a family of 3 from New Mexico. Our Christian faith and family are very important to us, we are very involved in our church and love playing board and card games with our friends and family! We adopted our son in 2017, when he was born, and are so excited to adopt again and grow our family through open adoption! We can’t wait to share our love with your child as we complete our family through adoption.

About Us

We met 21 years ago through a mutual friend/co-worker when Dan worked at Blockbuster. We have now been married 13 years! We had infertility issues when trying to grow our family, which led our hearts to adoption. In 2017, we were blessed to adopt our son, Parker. He has been such a blessing in our lives, and we love spending time teaching, playing, and laughing with him.  We both are involved in Bible Studies and enjoy going to church and serving together. Dan is a deacon at our church, and Liana is the children’s ministry special events director.

We look forward to raising our children in church and teaching them how much God loves them. We enjoy spending time with our extended families and hosting game nights with family and friends! We look forward to teaching our kids domino games and Quincy, which is a card game we play with our family.

About Dan

According to Liana: Dan is a loving dad and a wonderful husband. He is a Cyber-Security Architect who works hard to provide for our family and is able to do his job from home, so he can help out when needed. He does Parker’s bedtime routine and prayers each night, and it is so fun to hear them giggling together as they talk about their days. Dan likes working on DIY home projects and working in the yard in his free time. He loves playing cars with Parker and building Star Wars Lego sets. Dan also enjoys watching comedy, action, and Sci-Fi movies. He looks forward to teaching our kids how things work and how to fix them when they break! He’ll try to persuade our kids that the movie versions of stories are better than the books.

About Liana

According to Dan: Liana has an outgoing personality and is a loving wife and a stay-at-home mom.  She likes reading, crafts, sewing, embroidery, adult coloring books, and Bible study. She likes watching television and has eclectic tastes ranging from predictable Hallmark Movies to Blue Bloods! She loves spending time with our son, teaching him new things, and organizing and directing Vacation Bible School every summer at our church. Liana enjoys hosting and planning parties, and get-togethers at our house, is generous, and appreciates giving and getting gifts. She is excited to share her love of crafts with our next child and looks forward to planning birthday parties for our kids! She’ll try to persuade our kids that the book versions of stories are always better than the movies.

Our Son and Extended Family

Our son, Parker, is 7 years old and such a joy! We have an open adoption with his birth mother and send pictures often, as well as have annual visits with her. Parker loves school and church. His favorite things are LEGOS, airplanes, cars, and playing with his friends and cousin. He is looking forward to having a brother or sister and teaching them the names of all the types of cars! He also says he will help take care of his sibling.

Our parents both live in Colorado, and we visit a few times yearly. Dan’s sister and her family also live in Colorado. We video-chat with our Colorado family multiple times a week. Liana’s brother and family live near us in New Mexico, and we spend time together often. We love to spend time with our extended family by playing games and laughing together- especially around the holidays! Our whole family is very excited to welcome our next child into the family.

Our Home in New Mexico

We have a one-story home with 4 bedrooms. We have a backyard with a large lawn and an outdoor playset that we love to use. We enjoy our living room with comfy couches, a television, and many of our son’s toys. We love to have friends over and we have a large rectangular oak dining room table where we eat, play games, host Bible Study, and spend time talking with friends and family. We have a Winnie the Pooh themed nursery ready for our next child!

Our Promise to You

We promise to provide your baby with unconditional love and support in a Christ-centered family. We value family and will always put our family first. We know education is important and will ensure that we can provide a good education for our child, including school education, spiritual education, and practical life education. We are open to sending you photos and updates, as well as having annual visits if you wish. We want you to know that we are praying for you and your baby.

If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Learn More About Dan & Liana

  Dan Liana
Our EducationBachelors Degree, IT SecurityMasters Degree, Curriculum Design & Instruction (Education)
Our ProfessionsCyber Security ArchitectStay-at-home Mom
Our Racial BackgroundCaucasianCaucasian
Some of Dan & Liana's Favorites
DessertsIce CreamCake
Movie GenreAction Movies or Comedy MovieHallmark Romance Movies
FoodsPizza or SushiSteak or Chinese Food
TV ShowsBig Bang Theory or NCISBlue Bloods
BooksGhost in the WiresHarry Potter Series
Bible Verse"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the Lord your God is the one who will go with you; he will not leave you or abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
More About Our Family
More about our son, Parker

Parker is 7 years old and loves learning the car manufacturer's symbols, especially sports cars, and pointing them out as we drive. He even knows the model names of cars and enjoys correcting you when you get them wrong. He is going into 1st grade this year and says his favorite thing about school is Lego Engineering Class. He is great at reading, math, and he does Ninja Gym and Parkour after school. He can't wait to teach his little brother or sister how to build with Legos.

Our Faith

We attend a Baptist church where we love to worship God and learn more about Him. We enjoy serving as a family at our church, and the members are like our extended family. They are praying for our adoption and can't wait to help us welcome our next child!

Our Open Adoption

We met our son's birth mom a week before he was born and were present in the hospital when he was born. We have an open adoption with his birth mom, and Parker calls her his "birthday mom". We see her and her other children at least once a year. The kids enjoy playing with each other, and Parker especially loves talking to his oldest sister. We send text updates and photos many times throughout the year to his birth mom and are so thankful for her. She let us know that, if you would want to, she would be open to talking to you about what open adoption looks like with us.

Our Favorite Holidays

We love celebrating with family and friends on the Holidays! For Easter, we hide eggs in the backyard for the kids to find. For Thanksgiving, our family takes turns hosting, and the men always deep fry the turkey in the backyard! For Christmas every year, we spend the week in Colorado, splitting our time between Dan's family and Liana's family. We enjoy our time together as we eat, open gifts, play games, and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child

Newborn to 12 months old


We would love to welcome twins!



Sibling Group

Yes, with the oldest up to 2 years old.

In Closing

Thank you for reading about us. We look forward to growing our family through adoption and teaching your child our favorite family games, and traveling with them to our favorite places. We are excited to share with him or her our passions for life and surround them with love and support. We look forward to talking with you soon and learning more about you.

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